Remember these guys?

The National Federation of Funeral Directors – they of the combative Managing Director who regularly took umbrage with Charles – have a look at blog posts from the past here and here and here and here to refresh your memory.

They were the self styled “Consumer Driven Funeral Industry Governing Body committed to “increasing consumer choice and cost transparency within the funeral industry; and to the modernisation, development, and on-going commercial welfare of its funeral director and subsidiary business Members.”

And their mission was to “modernise, develop, enhance, and protect the funeral industry, and to provide consumers with a greater, more informed, choice when faced with the costly and emotional task of arranging a funeral.”

Have a click on this link:

They’ve gone. Vanished. Vamoosed.

The NFFD is no more.

So, if you come across this symbol on a funeral director website then it sadly doesn’t actually mean anything.


We’re trying to work out what’s happened, not least because the NFFD strongly endorsed Safe Hands Funeral Plans – have a look here.

We bet Dr. Hilary Jones is feeling a bit silly now.