New trade assoc sides with consumers

Charles 17 Comments

The National Federation of Funeral Directors, “a professional, self-regulated body, committed to increasing consumer choice and cost transparency within the funeral industry,” has become very active lately.

It has launched Funeral Directors Register, which claims to be “the UK’s only comprehensive funeral care resource … a single point of reference for consumers seeking funeral directors reviews, reputable, qualified, and approved funeral director services.” It has ambitions to be the industry equivalent of TripAdvisor and will be backed by television advertising.

It is also “leading the way in revolutionising the independent funeral industry”. One way in which it is doing this is through its Fair Price Charter, which it invites funeral directors to sign up to. Those who agree to charge “a fee that the NFFD confirms is fair and reasonable” will get “a web-link and enhanced advertising on both the NFFD website and our new Funeral Directors Register stating that your pricing strategy aligns with the principles of the Fair Price Charter, but we will also signpost to you enquiries that come in from members of the public seeking more affordable services in your local area.” 


  1. Charles

    Unfortunately I think the list of funeral directors is the same one that various outfits have used in the last few years when setting up registers. It’s very out-of-date, so pointless in having really. Anyone who tries to contact a funeral director who no longer exists will probably give up with anything else on the site.

    Any website (in fact, any thing at all) which (quote) GUARANTEES new business needs to be taken with a very large pinch of salt doesn’t it?

    They’re clearly so impressed with the third paragraph on their homepage that they’ve put it twice.

    Who needs trade associations anyway? Especially self-regulated ones. Haven’t we got enough of those already?

  2. Charles

    I think it would be more accurate to state that those who are prepared to pay a fee will get an entry on this commercial register. And who determines what is fair?
    I think your B/S detector went on the blink over the Easter break, Charles!

  3. Charles

    Just because I present facts without spin (I call it self-regulation) doesn’t mean to say that I don’t harbour my own views, Simon. I expected the vacuum to draw in more responses, and I’m embarrassed that it hasn’t, because I thought the facts spoke quite loudly enough for themselves. But they do, don’t they?

  4. Charles

    Transparency is obviously a good thing but I’m not sure this commercial body masquerading as a trade association is the best way forward. Try to find out what they mean by a ‘Fair Price Charter’ and you’ll struggle. It does state that recommended funeral directors have to offer credit for funerals but can’t find much else. However, they do state that a funeral director has to provide a hearse and 2 bearers for their stated price – does that mean they can charge a premium for the other 2 or 4?!

  5. Charles

    Rather pointless duplication, the nafd and saif have up to date lists of Funeral Directors with plenty of choice, the web itself has more lists! Yell, colour pages or google a town, see what comes up. Not needed, no good, non starter. Nonplussed!

  6. Charles

    Ha, The NFFD self regulating – regulating who by who? I don’t know anyone that would be a member or is on the executive other that Mr Latham himself. Surely to be a trade association you need trusted people from within the trade representing the trade. And how come when you go on the member map most of the members are either florists, will writers or celebrants?

    And have a look at some of his other websites – Safe Hands funeral plans which doesn’t list who the trustees are or where the money is held and doesn’t appear to be a member of the the Funeral Planning Authority or the National Association of Pre-paid Funeral Plans, which I thought was the only permissible self-regulation of the funeral planning industry. Doesn’t seem that safe to me.

    And then there is his other website – cheapfuneraldirectors and socialfunerals- I’ll leave you to make your own views on those two.

    1. Charles

      Hi Anthony, this guy is new to thier business, if you check on duedil he is not down has a director. How can a regulating body be self regulating, doesn’t make sense.

  7. Charles

    You mean another individual who wants funeral directors to pay to be on his website as a ‘recommended’ funeral service. Where have I heard that before…

  8. Charles

    David Latham, who runs the NFFD, has asked me temporarily to close comments on this post until he has been able to reply to what has already been said. I will post what he writes on Monday as soon as I receive it. Briefly, David feels that commenters are trashing his organisation unfairly (it’s not what it was) and that what has been said is now all over the internet.

    I am extremely reluctant to do so but in the interest of balance and fair play it seems, perhaps, a reasonable thing to do.

    If there is anything you would like David to address, please either contact him through his website or, if it’s more convenient, email me and I’ll forward it. My email address:

  9. Charles

    It is disappointing that the NFFD information is very out of date. My own small business has three locations, only one is on their site 🙁

    We are already members of both SAIF and NAFD. I am sure this reassures some potential clients that as a minimum, someone has taken a look at our business, its paperwork and facilities? In recent years several organisations have tried to sell us introductions, none (so far) seems to have caught the public imagination. At all.

    That said, like other good funeral directors, typically new families contact us because someone has gently encouraged them to do so. Today (Sunday) it was a local Methodist minister – thanks to her!

    These days a google search of any town and the words ‘funeral directors’ does provide the names of local firms. Spending a few minutes looking at these firms websites and a potential client should quickly get some feeling for who is who and what kind of service they might expect?

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