Undertakers on parade

Charles No Comments

Undertakers aren’t noted for versatility when it comes to window-dressing, and they’re not to be blamed for this. If you’re in the death business there’re all sorts of things you simply can’t put on display.  

Not that this in any way excuses an assortment of dusty headstones and urns dotted by dead flies and flanked by faded plastic flowers. There’s no excuse for not trying. 

Remembrance Day, though, gives undertakers’ windows a rare topicality and licenses a riot of colour. All at once, our undertakers can ride the public mood and fill their windows with of all manner of patriotic commemorabilia. 

That time of year is with us once more and, as you can see above, Park Funeral Directors in Barry, Wales, have already put on a pretty good show. 

We welcome any other pics of outstanding undertakers’ windows. Please send yours to charles@goodfuneralguide.co.uk


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