NDC birthday party

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Nicholas portrait 2000 by M.Edwards
Nicholas Albery, founder of the Natural Death Centre
 By Josefine Speyer
The Natural Death Centre was 25 years old on 14 April 2016!
Celebrating this event with two Natural Death Salons to benefit the NDC.
There are still places at the next Natural Death Salon on Sunday 8 May. We will be showing the documentary film Death Makes Life Possible with Marilyn Schlitz and Deepak Chopra, including Rupert Sheldrake and many others, followed by a celebratory Death Cafe, which means conversation about death and including issues raised by the film etc. accompanied by delicious teas, coffee and cakes. We ask for a donation of £30. If you cannot afford it, do get in touch as we do not want you to miss out on this wonderful event. For booking and more info contact me. Places are limited. See flier attached. There will be a second benefit Salon on Sunday 19 June, with Rosie Inman-Cook of the NDC and others, which will be more of a party, celebrating NDC’s story so far and looking to the future. More info on this later.
I am so proud of everyone who has become involved in the natural death movement to bring back power to the people and embrace death as part of life, the place it should have. I believe it is to the benefit of everyone, but perhaps not to the big funeral companies who wish to have their pockets lined by families in distress who are unaware of what choices there are and do not realise there is another way than the Victorian way.  Bring on the 21st century!!!
And thank you to Nicholas, social inventor, writer, editor, poet, activist and mentor for all his work in setting up and running the Natural Death Centre, the Association of Natural Burial Grounds and all his inspiration. Wish he were here to see how massive the movement has become and what impact the Natural Death Centre charity and the Natural Death Handbook have had, not just in the UK, but worldwide! A major toast to everyone who has been involved in the past and is involved now! and everyone who has benefitted!! xx I also love the work of the Home Funeral Network, The Good Funeral Guide, Death Cafe, Dying Matters etc. etc. I could go on, the list is long and growing! xx Thanks to everyone! It is a great legacy to be part of.
Please support the Natural Death Centre it help continue its work!

ED SAYS: You can download the flyer for these events here – NDSalon



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