A new natural burial ground in the Surrey Hills

Charles 1 Comment

Our congratulations to Simon Ferrar, a good friend of the GFG, on the opening (at last!) of his natural burial ground at Clandon Wood. 

We don’t think it was the official, ceremonial opening, which is set for the new year.  He’s invited us to come along. We’ll be buying a new hat for that. 

Wild grasses and flowers were sown across 25 acres in June and there will be flower trails through the woods.

“As a business it should look after itself. The meadow in winter will be grazed by sheep and goats so we don’t have to run a tractor over it,” he said. “We’ve also got a burgeoning wildlife population. We have had deer, a badger, foxes. The wetland has got ducks, geese and heron. There’s nothing for them to eat yet so they don’t stay but they know where the water is.”

As well as environmental responsibility, Mr Ferrar said more people are taking emotional responsibility for their own deaths.

Mr Ferrar came up with the idea for the business when he attended the natural burial of his aunt in November 2005 and found the experience comforting. Change of use planning permission was required to put a burial ground on the site. Mr Ferrar said there were no objections and more people were concerned the land would become a huge housing development. Instead the property, which is in the green belt in the Surrey Hills, will be protected as a nature reserve. A timber and glass pavilion is to be completed next year to be used for services.

Full story here.

Clandon Wood website here

Well done, Simon!


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