Investment opportunity, anyone?

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A very nice man called Ken Kolsbun wants to develop his board game idea. The game is called Funeral Director — A Race to Your Final Resting Place. Says Ken: “My immediate goal is to finalize our game (e.g. refine board top and card design and text, color and design all game pieces) and submit this playable prototype package to professional game manufacturers for mass production and distribution. I need to reach the required financial goal of at least $11,000 and with your help we can do it.”

Below is Ken’s description of his game.


Having died of Laughter, Boredom, Fright or a Broken Heart, etc., you now serve as your own Funeral Director. While piecing together your customized sendoff, you begin to explore different products and services available – this might ignite new thoughts and feelings about the funeral process. Players (best with four) move around the game board with their coffin markers, responding to Life, Debt and Last Will and Testament cards, while purchasing various Funeral Products (flowers, caskets, headstones, etc.) and Funeral Services (cosmetic care, cremation, transportation, etc.). Expect lots of nervous laughter as players reveal interesting stories, discuss personal “bucket list” dreams, etc. as they race to their chosen Final Resting Place (e.g. Eco Green Meadows, Family Farm, Sea Burial, etc.). The game encourages interaction among players, as everyone talks about personal funeral experiences, which are sometimes sad but often eye opening or humorous. Discussing embalming, environmental impact of cremations, land use, green burials, etc. and funeral costs will certainly raise the hair on anyone’s back! This board game offers a simple but realistic picture of the funeral process, the funeral industry itself, and alternatives to the traditional system. And yet, it keeps the subject lighthearted non-threatening and yes…fun!


People often have phobias about death and funerals; professionals all agree it can be a difficult and often “forbidden” area of discussion. With this game (currently a preliminary design in a playable format) I have taken these serious topics to a lighthearted level to make it not only informative, but to open players minds to this very sensitive subject. FUNERAL DIRECTOR is intended to reveal personal attitudes and beliefs about death and its rituals; it will generate considerable lively conversation. It’s a tricky subject, but playing this game enables people to talk about it without the seriousness usually associated with this subject. Believe me this game experience is fun and speaks to human behavior. Even though we are often curious about the mystery of death, it’s a subject most of us like to avoid; we would like to encourage people to feel open in discussing these issues. Hopefully our game provides a comfortable format.

Find Ken’s website here.


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