Funeral director sponsors Olympian

Charles No Comments

From the Daily Mail:

Chris Mears had a five per cent chance. Of living, that is. Nothing to do with diving. A five per cent chance of surviving an emergency operation on a ruptured spleen in a training hospital in Sydney.

Impressive then that on Tuesday night, three years on, the 19-year-old was competing in an Olympic final. Especially as he wasn’t supposed to get past the preliminary stage anyway.

He finished a respectable 9th in the 3m springboard, some way off Russian winner Ilya Zakharov, but 9th in the world isn’t too bad when you’ve been through what he’s been through.

Chris Mears had a five per cent chance. Of living, that is. Nothing  to do with diving. A five per cent chance of surviving an emergency operation on a ruptured spleen in a training hospital in Sydney.

Impressive then that on Tuesday night, three years on, the 19-year-old was competing in an Olympic final. Especially as he wasn’t supposed to get past the preliminary stage anyway.

He finished a respectable 9th in the 3m springboard, some way off Russian winner Ilya Zakharov, but 9th in the world isn’t too bad when you’ve been through what he’s been through.

Chris was sponsored by Reading funeral director AB Walker. Read all about it here.

Hat-tip to Tony Piper. 


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