Your caring undertaker knows best

Charles 6 Comments

From the current price list of a ‘family owned’ UK funeral director: 

“As the natural processes of decomposition begins immediately after death, any clients wishing to visit their deceased relative or friend in the Private Chapel of Rest must agree to the necessary preservation treatment being provided”.



  1. Charles

    Bullies. Sad.


    And they’ll be providing the dominant thoughtform, unless we stand on street corners and hand out versions of a better story.

  2. Charles

    I wonder how this undertaker feels when he or she walks past a butcher’s shop with dead animals openly displayed – does he or she suppose the chickens and lambs, too, have had the ‘necessary preservation treatment’?

    Visit to find an appetizing recipe for Beef in Formaldehyde with Silicone Stuffing.

  3. Charles

    I believe that good embalming makes a difference to the way the person looks and can help the bereaved comes to terms with the death of their loved one. I don’t believe that families should be told that they must have embalming and if a family sais to me that they do not wish embalming to take place then I will just explain to them that some changes may take place.

  4. Charles

    @ Rosie, a growing black list? That sounds ominous.
    @ Mark, I agree with your comments and the quote from their price list is well worded & honest…. until you reach the no choice part which is very disappointing.

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