Best of Fife

Charles 1 Comment

You remember Neil Brunton? He’s the singer-songwriting-undertaker you voted for a while back in that Radio 2 competition. Let us refresh your memory here

Well, partly thanks to you he’s made it to the final.

Here’s the story (abridged):

Neil Brunton has reached the final stages of a national songwriting competition called Oldie Composers, on behalf of the charity Barnardo’s.

His self-penned melody ‘Jacob Street’ secured enough on-line votes to make the final 21 – which will be judged on January 30 by Sir Terry Wogan, Ken Bruce, Johnnie Walker, Bob Harris and Radio 2 music producer Malcolm Prince.

The leading four will then be recorded professionally in London and released on i-Tunes for Barnardo’s.

Neil (43) was surprised and delighted cialis 10 mg order with his success to date – and overwhelmed by the number of votes he received, thanks in part to a previous story in the Mail.

“Just the thought that someone like ‘Whispering’’ Bob Harris is sitting down to listen to one of my songs is pretty special.”

Neil said he’d continue writing songs as a hobby and if other competitions arose, he’d certainly consider entering.

“But with a young family and work commitments, it is difficult time-wise, so I’m not planning any world tours just yet,” he added.

Full story here.


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