Eulogy rides again!

Charles 6 Comments

Reports of the death of Eulogy magazine are exaggerated. A little while ago I was rung by its genial editor, Alfred Tong, and informed that the second issue would be available online only. It’s out now, and includes among all sorts of things a sprightly piece by Julian Litten on his preference for burial.

Find it here.


  1. Charles

    On sight of your article Charles, for the attention of any paid-up subscribers, please find below some interesting dialogue I have been having with Eulogy since I subscribed to them:

    PE: I have not received any email from you or any issues whatsoever. Please inform me as to when I can expect to receive my issues from 1st June.

    Eulogy: Thank you for your email. The second issue of Eulogy comes out on September 30th, so you will be receiving your issue then.

    PE: What happened to the July issue? I was expecting the July issue when I subscribed on 1st June?

    Eulogy: Comes out ten times per year: the second issue is released on September 30th.

    PE: I understand that the second issue is out in September. What you haven’t answered me is why it is that I did not receive the July issue if I subscribed on 1st June. The payment was received by you on that date and therefore I would have expected to have received the July issue which is advertised as having been released on the website home page. It makes sense to me that the July issue must have been the first. Please can you provide me with an answer to my reasonable question – why did I not receive the July issue when I subscribed to the magazine on 1st June, with the offer of receiving 13 copies for the price of 10 copies.

    EULOGY: I’m sorry that you did not receive a copy of the July issue. Please could you send me your address; we’ll send you a copy.

    PE: What I am concerned about Emily is that I subscribed to you on 1st June yet haven’t heard anything from you. Can you confirm that you have in fact received my subscription request? I have certainly received a payment receipt. I would have expected you to have my address if you had received the subscription application.

    EULOGY: If your payment has been received, then so has your subscription request. I will get the magazine sent off to you now. Please let me know if there is any problem with the delivery of the second issue.

    PE: Please refer to the emails previous sent to you which are below. I have just visited the blog of Charles Cowling and found the following:

    (Referenced Eulogy rides again!)

    PE Continued: I have paid for the hard copy issues and would therefore kindly request that you confirm if there is indeed a hard copy for the Sept issue. If there no hard copy then I would ask for a full refund as I am not receiving what I believed I was paying for. I look forward to hearing from you.

    I’m not sure what is going on here but I became concerned on reading Charle’s article. I hadnt paid for an online service – not at £37.50!

    Waiting for response from Eulogy…………………

    To be continued……………

  2. Charles

    Hmn, this is all a bit worrying. I shall ask them for a statement. This mag was greeted at its birth with such optimism from so many readers of this blog (though not from the curmudgeons, of course; they know who they are!)

    While I’m about it, I may even draw attention to the misspelling of my name. I chuckled when I saw that, what with the reputation that getting the name wrong has in funeral circles.

  3. Charles
    Glorianna Langley-Finch

    I to subscrided to the Euolgy magazine and never recieved a copy. However when I read of its death I emailed and had no reply so put it down to “Oh well thats life”

    Trying to read it on line is very difficult, you can’t save a copy as PDF to read at another time.

    Will see what happens… its just another magazine that covers the same topics as the FS times etc.
    Which now for a hard copy (Where as it was free) it has to be paid for but read on line for free.

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