
Charles 10 Comments

The Good Funeral Guide is published today! Available from all good bookshops, one or two very bad ones and all the usual online suspects.


  1. Charles

    Congratulations, Charles – this is an important book that contains a lot of information (and little ‘fluff’) and, thanks to your clear and concise writing, is easy and quick to read and digest. Anyone arranging a funeral would do well to read it so they can make better-informed choices.

  2. Charles

    At last! I’ve been reading your blog for ages, waiting in anticipation for the book to arrive. Have just ordered it from Amazon (at a very reasonable price I must say). I’ve been a funeral celebrant for 6 months and am also just starting out as an independent funeral arranger – so any advice is always gratefully received. Keep up the good work. Mags x

  3. Charles

    I just wish I’d read this post before the ‘bookshop’ (see OED) closed today!

    Charles, I’m so pleased for you and all of us, and I really hope the GFG explodes over the funeral market like a volcanic dust-cloud obliterating all other travel in its glorious rage (or some such suitably sanguine simile).

    Thank you; I believe I can say that from us all.


  4. Charles

    O wizard! The long-awaited day!
    Am panting to read the ink-on-paper actuality!
    May it be a huge success, and influence millions.

  5. Charles

    Fantastic news Charles, and huge congratulations on the long-awaited publication. Just ordered my copy, and looking forward to a huge pot of coffee and a non-stop read when it arrives!

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