Calling all family FDs who’d like to be on telly

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Screenshot 2014-02-18 at 17


Posted by Sarah Rubin of Dragonfly TV

Dragonfly Film and TV are currently developing a brand new observational documentary series about a family-run funeral business. We want this to be a warm, sensitive and very moving series, capturing the different ways in which people say goodbye to their loved ones and recognising and celebrating the crucial role the funeral parlour plays in the lives of families and the wider community.

We would like to get in contact with family-run funeral parlours and, if possible, businesses where several members of the same family work alongside each other.

Dragonfly Film and Television is a BAFTA award-winning, independent television production company, specialising in factual programmes.  We work across all the major UK and international broadcasters, such as the BBC, Channel 4, Discovery and National Geographic. Dragonfly’s programmes have a reputation for dealing with important and often sensitive subject matters, with warmth and integrity. From giving birth in One Born Every Minute to crashing a plane in Plane Crash, we always tell stories in an honest, thought-provoking and sensitively handled way. 

Dragonfly have worked with many people, places and institutions – including maternity wards, hotels, schools and families in their homes, to create celebrated access-based series like The Hotel, The Family and Extreme A&E for Channel 4.

If you are interested in putting your business forward and want to find out more information please email


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