Yesterday’s news

Charles No Comments

Iraqi gravediggers are counting their blessings as civil war rages. One said: “To be honest about it, it makes us happy to do this job. We make a lot of money.” Suicide bombers are especially good for business. Another undertaker said “Many are incomplete. It depends what the family find. Sometimes we get just a leg or hand to bury. A couple of days ago I buried just two feet from one guy. “Saddam helped us a lot,” said another. “If he wasn’t at war he was always hanging people. Sundays and Wednesdays he’d hang men, Tuesdays he hanged women. So if other business was slow, at least we knew which days of the week to wait for the bodies of the hanged.”

In the Sunday Times Beatles biographer Hunter Davies wrote about his wife’s funeral. He wanted the minimum of fuss and was pleased with the Direct Cremation package offered by Leverton’s at £1900. The family designed and printed the service sheets and led the funeral ceremony – “I’ve always hated it at funerals when the person in charge has clearly never met the deceased”. The music was recorded on CD by Leverton’s and the final song was a cover version, not the real thing. Leverton’s rang and apologised and made a donation to Marie Curie. Leverton’s publish their prices online, setting an example all undertakers should follow.

Nice piece here on funeral food in the US deep south –

Dead people in the Isle of Man can now travel to their funeral in a Morris Minor –

Bristolians enjoy a proper fighting funeral – In Lincolnshire a man was murdered during a funeral wake –

What’s a funeral stylist? Find out here

The Undertaker is fighting in select venues in April. Book now –

Scots are invited to be writer-in-residence at a funeral parlour to mixed reactions –

A funeral service was held on the A303 –

The corpse of Padre Pio is going on tour –

A man died hours after watching a video of his wife’s funeral in his hospital bed –

Golden Charter is booming –

Cilla’s grave isn’t looking good –

King’s College hospital cremated a man without telling his family he was dead –

Two Swedes are proposing a vertical cemetery –

A funeral show in New Zealand attracted 2000 –

An Australian man was found guilty of the attempted murder of a corpse –

That’s your lot. Have a great week.


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