Killer anecdotes

Charles 3 Comments

A great funeral eulogy showcases a killer anecdote. Here’s one to die for from the Times obituary for diplomat Andrew Stuart:

Stuart won the Colonial Police Medal in 1961 when he overcame an escaped prisoner and self-styled prophet, Kigaanira, who was drawing a crowd by dancing with a spear on top of a 100ft rock. Stuart “chimneyed” up a 3ft wide cleft, and having prevented Kigaanira dropping a rock on him by addressing him with complex greetings in the Luganda language, leapt across the vertiginous gap at the top, tied Kigaanira up with his climbing-rope and lowered him to the ground to be arrested.


  1. Charles

    My hero!
    I was weaned on books of derring do by red blooded, usually well brought up fellows like Andrew Stuart ……. exemplified by John Buchan, Tom Brown’s Schooldays, The Three Muskateers, Stalky and Co; also those cads Flashman, James Bond, and so on.
    This unbeatable tale makes me proud to be British. ‘Though Mr Stuart was probably Scottish in origin.
    PS I’d very much like you’all N of the border to stay with UK, by the way.

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