What the…

Charles 17 Comments

An undertaker passed on to us the email below. Anybody know anything about Liviana? It’s difficult to believe that any outfit marketing itself in such sub-literate terms could achieve any sort of credibility. The netherworld of pre-pay funeral plans just got murkier.  

Dear Sirs , Just a quick introduction email from me today. Allow me to introduce Liviana an our Pre-paid funeral plans! If you are already acting as an agent or have not yet been approached by other providers, please let me explain why you are better off recommending Liviana.

Firstly, we offer a commission of 40% of the profit and operation fund which is equivalent to approx 16% of the total sale value of the plan! Our trust fund is the strongest and most secure in the industry and is managed by Morgan Stanley and right now we can provide the most affordable plan available in the UK which is offset against the most expensive! This pricing structure is unique within the industry, with a large variant between our basic and our most inclusive plans! Will writing companies and funeral directors have the greatest success rate when it comes to selling pre-paid plans and many companies actually consider the plans as the most valuable part of their business! We see ourselves as THE market leader within 3 years. Along with the co-op we are the only company that operates with a 3 tier security net for its clients which we believe is necessary for any self regulating industry. With public interest in mind we urge our competitors to do the same! Our website is still under construction and our launch date is October 30th this year. We also have over 50 plans underwritten by Axa and Sunlife, which offer high commissions. For more information, a copy of our brochure or to arrange an informal meeting please reply to this email or contact us on the number below.


William Anderson

Liviana UK
19 Heddon Street
London , W1B
Contact Us: 0207 1833193


  1. Charles

    If Liviana UK is at 19 Heddon Street, it’s above an Italian restaurant called Piccalino. Of more interest is the fact it’s almost directly opposite the spot where David Bowie posed for the cover of the Ziggy Stardust album. Back in 1972, he stood under a K West sign but today there’s a red shop sign saying Alphabet. http://www.5years.com/heddon.htm

  2. Charles

    Another funeral planning company, is this one regulated? No I shouldn’t think so, how many more companies are going to jump on the gravy train?
    One to what I think.
    This one hasn’t even got its site up yet and its doing business?

  3. Charles

    Richard, we seriously need a ‘like’ button on the comments!!

    Charles, even if everything else here were not worrying, the mention of Axa and Sunlife alone would have me running in the other direction!

    1. Charles

      I’m not sure if I liked the thumbs up and thumbs down option. I think I’d rather people explain what they like and dislike. But if lots want it back…Whats Charles’s view on this pressing/clicking matter of the day?

  4. Charles

    ‘Let me explain why YOU are better off recommending Liviana’

    Yes Liviana, because it doesn’t matter about the needs of the person entrusting their wishes to be fulfilled in relation to their funeral service and their financial commitment in doing so.

    Where have the over 50 existing plans come from if the company hadn’t launched yet?

    This raises a lot of questions (and a lot of exclamation marks).

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