The scandal waiting to happen — again and again

Charles 7 Comments

Some of you will not be surprised that the following story involves Andrew Baker.

It doesn’t end with him, guilty or not. When it comes to the mis-selling of pre-need funeral products, we ain’t seen nothing yet.

From the Gloucestershire Echo

Andrew Baker, aged 50, who lives in Pebworth near Honeybourne in Worcestershire was arrested this week by West Mercia police on suspicion of fraud. 

A spokesman for the force which serves Herefordshire and Worcestershire said: “A number of clients have recently contacted West Mercia Police to report they have been victims of fraud. Among these is the allegation clients paid thousands of pounds to either Honeybourne Funeral Services or Cotswold Funeral Services for funeral plan to be arranged only to find none of the services had been put in place.”

Detective Inspector Andy Price of South Worcestershire CID said: “We have taken the unusual step of naming Mr Baker and his companies at the point he has been arrested to reduce the chance of a family of a recently deceased person suffering further distress because of any criminality that may have taken place.

“We advise anyone who has taken out a funeral plan with Mr Baker, Cotswold Funeral Services or Honeybourne Funeral Services, to check that everything is as it should be.


  1. Charles

    Mmm another one jumping on the band wagon, how many more folk will suffer this fate. Its about time the NAFD took some action before it ruins their reputation aswell.

  2. Charles

    I’m wondering whether DI Price has any suggestions about exactly how people holding Baker’s funeral plans can ‘check that everything is as it should be’.

    Perhaps the NAFD could help with that?

  3. Charles

    This is the idiot who conducted a funeral in West Yorkshire. He contacted me out of the blue to hire a fleet of vehicles, being the local funeral director to where the funeral took place.
    Of course the cheque bounced as intended and he even failed to pay all the local fees at the Parish Church, leaving them £100’s out of pocket for having the misfortune of dealing with him. He obviously kept all the fees the family had paid to him in advance.
    Detective Inspector Andy Price has now been informed and hopefully we can add theft and obtaining goods by pecuniary advantage to the list of growing charges. Aparently D.I. Price and team has been very busy today with related calls.

    1. Charles

      I am so glad I spent over 12 months compiling a file for the police about him. I never expected his crimes to have gone as far as Yorkshire! I just hope all of his victims get in touch with the police. The man is scum!

  4. Charles

    While you’re writing about financial scandals – where’s your take on the co-op bank Charles? The news today, 3 rd September is that the bank is saved, but it lost a couple of billion pounds worth of value along the way. Extraordinary mismanagement by the previous bosses?

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