You can’t keep a bad man down

Charles 3 Comments

Everyone deserves a second chance, and if we believe what we read on the testimonials page of the Mary Mayer Funeral Home in Southend-on-Sea, then Mark Kerby, better known to readers of this blog as former jailbird and serial fraudster Richard Sage (everyone deserves a second name) is a reformed character. 

As if. ‘Mark’ has racked up no fewer than 8 county court judgements against him in the course of his reincarnation. He’s not been paying his bills. See here: Mayer Report1 (1) 

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In his days of mischief-making, Mr Sage/Kerby enjoyed a little foray running an air ambulance. He’s had another crack at this, but seems to have come unstuck. According to the Insolvency Service on 30 April 2013:

European Medical Assistance (EMA), a company which passed itself off as a worldwide emergency medical assistance provider but had no ability to provide these services, has been wound up in the public interest by the High Court in London, following an investigation by The Insolvency Service.

The company and its appointed director, Mark Kerbey, failed to co-operate with the investigation and failed to produce any documents and information in support of the company’s claimed trading activities. 

Commenting on the case, David Hill, an Investigation Supervisor with The Insolvency Service said: 

“This company claimed it would help people in their direst need, when they required urgent medical attention. In fact it intended to do nothing of the sort but took people’s money in exchange for a sense of reassurance that was utterly unfounded. 

“Furthermore, the company cynically took advantage of young people who were keen to gain experience of helping others. In winding up this company, the Court is sending a strong message that there is no place in the business arena for organisations like this. 

“The Insolvency Service will investigate abuses and close down companies if they are found to be acting against the public interest.” 

See the full report here. Find out more about Richard Sage, his life, times and countless misadventures, here


  1. Charles

    Mark Kerbey now has another funeral home TRINITY FUNERAL HOMES at westcliff on sea, and is upto his old tricks again. Some people never change, he was at court only last week for conning people again. There is only 1 place for this man.. HELL!!!

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