Come on down to Bournemouth!

Charles 2 Comments

It’s still not too late to book for the Good Funeral Awards weekend in Bournemouth from 6-8 September. There’s already a great crowd coming — more than ever before. 

Our host will be Pat Butcher – the actress Pam St Clement – who will be handing out the awards and taking questions about her deathbed performance in EastEnders. 


The Good Funeral Awards weekend attracts the liveliest minds in the funeral industry. 

It is welcomingly inclusive — it reflects and respects all schools of thought from the trad to the progressive. 

It is a great opportunity to connect, exchange views and share experiences. 


Costs have been kept as low as humanly possible. Commercial sponsorship has helped. Those who have come together to help make the event happen have given their time for free. We hope that Brian Jenner, the event organiser, will be able to recoup his outlay, made at personal risk, and even be able to pay himself a very modest fee this year. 

This event really is a labour of love and it is made by people like you.

Find out everything you need to know here.


  1. Charles

    I’m really looking forward to it & catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. It’s the wardrobe dilemma that’s got me – I can’t decide whether to pack my paddling shoes – I think I will

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