Nobody knows anything

Charles No Comments

The old year is dead and buried (thank you, gentlemen). The lights are on once more in the GFG-Batesville Shard. We’re back at our desks. And we’re full of zest and zing.

We hope you are, too. You have our best wishes for success, happiness in 2013 and the survival of your new year resolutions for, well, at least another week.

We’re in for a spellbinding twelve months.  We look forward to what’s going to happen. We don’t pretend for a minute to know what that’s going to be – predicting commercial and cultural trends in Funeralworld is a mug’s game. Nobody knows anything.

But it’s likely that it’s cultural trends which are going to define the direction. That’s our hunch. Societal attitudes to old age as longevity prolongs the twilight years. Re-modelled responses to death in an increasingly secular, material society.

We look forward to debating what we observe. We hope you’ll join in.

We hope you’ll want to spark debate, too. This blog is open house to everyone with something to say. The only thing we stand for here is openmindedness.

Do get in touch. 


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