Holes, moles and other graveyard musings

Charles 1 Comment

Posted by Kitty

ED’S NOTE: Kitty is a relatively new commenter on the blog. She emailed the following to us, and we are pleased to post it. Come one, come all, we say. 

I’m not that keen on cats and my name’s not really Kitty. It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there and being anonymous seems the sensible option.

But I am interested in funerals – good or otherwise.

I was walking through a graveyard with my husband (I’ll call him Tom – I’ve always liked that name) when we both noticed there were a lot of flower holders. Well, that’s what I thought they were, even though not a single one contained any flowers.

Tom asked, ‘What are those holes for?’

I replied, ‘It’s in case someone is buried alive. They can shout through the holes and be rescued.’

He thought about this for a while and said, ‘They used to have bells didn’t they? But holes are much better because they can breathe through those.’

I chose a grave at random and took a photo. I thought no more about it until a few weeks later when I transferred some photos from my mobile phone to my laptop. The headstone was dedicated to a couple with the wonderful name of ‘Hole’. What are the chances?

Last weekend, on a walk through a different graveyard, I noticed a mole hill on one of the graves.

Tom asked, ‘What’s that?’

I replied, ‘They forgot the shouting/breathing holes on that one and the poor person was trying to escape.’


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