Introducing the Artisan coffin

Charles No Comments

Greg Holdsworth makes coffins in New Zealand.  He says:

We offer a wide range of real and hand-finished options made from sustainable wood, some with native timbers. Our designs are environmentally considered – if there’s a better way to do it we’re probably already doing so – and our appropriately priced caskets meet the highest performance requirements due to the functional construction techniques we apply. Environmental considerations include material choice, assembly options (fixings), handles, finishes and, of course, just using less material to make the caskets.

A great advantage of this coffin is that ‘mourners can sit with the deceased without having to stand and peer down into a box.’

I emailed Greg and asked him if I could use images of his Artisan coffin (above) on this blog. I also voiced a regret that no one in the UK is making them under licence. Greg says, “Return To Sender has the Artisan manufactured under licence in Australia and North America and would be keen to do the same in the UK if they find a suitable partner.” 

The words ‘suitable partner’ say it all. If you feel you are one, get in touch with him.

Find Greg’s website here


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