Free the Ison Four!!

Charles 5 Comments

What on earth is going on, we ask ourselves, at Henry Ison and Sons, Coventry? 

Laurel Funerals has suspended four members of staff, including two funeral directors and a hearse driver.

We have fearlessly hunted down two of the accused and… well, we wonder, we really do. They have no objection to being highlighted here. 

In a state of some bewilderment, we asked for a statement from Laurel ceo Deborah Kemp. She tells us, quite properly: 

To protect the privacy of our employees, it is Laurel’s company policy never to talk about individual staff members or discuss internal personnel-related processes. I trust you understand and respect our stance in such matters.

Of course we do. 

And we shall remain alert to future developments. 



  1. Charles

    As a close friend of the partner of one of the suspended employees. I am equally bewildered and cannot imagine him guilty of any of the offences of which he has been accused. I only hope they can take legal advice and resolve the situation satisfactorily. I can say that I will never use their services should a lived one of mine pass away. It is indefensible behaviour to suspend employees without explanation or opportunity to defend themselves adequately. It seems more like a witch hunt than anything.

  2. Charles

    I worked for Isons for 10 years and know the suspended people very well. They are extremely good at their job and always show the greatest respect to the deceased and their families. I have no idea what they were suspended for. I will never use the services of Isons ever as though the people who work there are very professional I would not give Laurel Management a penny of my money.

  3. Charles

    Regarding the suspension of the staff from Ison’s and the time it has dragged on shows a complete lack of higher management skills. The staff that have been suspended one who i know, and have seen working at funeral’s and are very professional in the way they conduct themselves and the respect they show to families do not deserve this treatment. I would always use Ison’s as long as the suspended staff are working for them. They the suspended, are the best in the business. The higher management are looking like they could be the worst. Please Ison’s get this sorted out quickly.

  4. Charles

    What has happened here is an absolute disgrace! Three members of the staff I have known for many years. Without them, Isons would not have had the reputation they hold today. And just to prove a point, since these members have been suspended, there has been mistake after mistake made which has caused severe upset to many families!
    This was a family run business for many years, and the best in the business. Now some big fat cat has come along and seemingly are not interested in the families, just rubbing their hands together… those that know nothing about the business and more importantly, knows nothing about caring for families who have lost a loved one.
    These guys do! I know the times they have gone out of their way, in their own time to help those who are bereived.
    Isons will no longer function as a caring funeral directors, as long as these members are suspended!!

  5. Charles

    The so called management structure at Isons (and i use this term very loosely!!) really need to be looking at their own employment status for the way they have handled this whole ridiculous situation. If they had the common sense, forsight and any kind of grey matter between their ears they would see exactly who the perpetrators of this scam are and deal with them appropriately. the damage to Isons reputation and the funeral trade as a whole is damaged and tarnished as are the reputations of those currently suspended. I sincerley hope that these imbaciles get exactly what is coming to them and that we are all there to see it happen!!!!!

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