Press Release: Bournemouth to host the first trade awards for the funeral industry

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 Bournemouth will host the first ever trade awards ceremony for the funeral industry on Friday 7 September. The competition is an initiative run by the Good Funeral Guide and the Bournemouth Joy of Death Festival

The Good Funeral Guide is an independent, not-for-profit consumer advice and advocacy service for people who need to arrange a funeral for someone or who want to make future arrangements for their own funeral. 

The awards will be made on the basis of nominations from the public. The judges will make the awards on the basis of quality of service to the bereaved. 

There will be trophies for coffin supplier of the year, funeral celebrant of the year, embalmer of the year, most promising new funeral director and many other categories. The ceremony will be on Friday 7 September at the Green House Hotel. It will be part of the Bournemouth Joy of Death Festival, which runs from 7-9 September 2012. 

The annual festival invites expert speakers to inform the public about their options when it comes to funerals. It also includes an exhibition of unusual hearses and a walk around a local cemetery. 

Speakers will include David Twiston-Davies, former Chief Obituary Writer for the Daily Telegraph, a lady who collected her mother from the mortuary and buried her herself and Rupert Callender, editor of the new Natural Death Handbook

“The hush-hush world of the dismal trade is shrouded in mystery. We are going to reveal its best kept secret. We are going to blow the cover of its finest practitioners and expose them for what they are: some of the finest, most dedicated people you could ever meet.” said Charles Cowling, editor of the Good Funeral Guide

For more details go to

or contact Brian Jenner 01202 551257


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