Good to go

Charles 1 Comment


Autumn School 22-25 October in Frome

Gilly Adams & Sue Gill

The intensive 4 day course will examine the Hows and Whys of ceremony and celebration in a practical and experiential way. We will investigate how both positive and negative life events can be distilled into myth and poetry and create meaningful rituals to contain them. In particular, we explore how ceremony and celebration has and does play out in our own lives in order to feel empowered to facilitate these processes in the lives of others in an imaginative and creative way.

This is not a nuts and bolts course; instead the week will be shaped to fulfill the needs and aspirations of participants so there will be plenty of opportunities to learn and practise many aspects of the craft of creating ceremony – both public and private – in a safe environment. Gilly Adams and Sue Gill have been working together for many years; they will offer insights into the cognitively rich world of the secular celebrant, sharing their experience, offering theory, information, and – they hope – inspiration.

Food is always a key element in ceremony and celebration, and since we will be eating lunch and supper together, feasting will be a special theme. The working day will be 10am – 9pm, finishing at 2pm on the last day. The venue is East Woodlands Village Hall, near Frome BA11 5LQ, on the edge of the Longleat Estate and has a very particular rural character.

There are 12 places on each course at a range of fees. 4 places left at £375. Fees include tuition, all materials, and lunch and supper throughout. To secure a place, the full fee needs to be paid to SUE GILL by cheque or BACS.

To express interest and/or for further information please contact Gilly or Sue:

Sue Gill 01229 869769

Gilly Adams 02920 552389

……… hoping to gain greater depth, clarity and complexity of knowledge …. by learning from pre-eminent pioneers and leaders in this field. The experience fulfilled and surpassed my hopes: you were welcoming and wise, the venue was magnificent; the food was delectable. Content blended the practical, personal, professional and theoretical and the form shifted from discussion and presentation to hands-on creativity ….. I carry away with me a bounty of thoughts, questions and ideas that will enrich my own arts practice.

Ruth Howard, Canada – participant Spring School, June 2012 Cumbria


  1. Charles

    Looks like a good course, great idea, don’t want to sound a sour note, but: see top right photo. Enough already with the Chinese lanterns/miniature hot air balloons. It has been documented that they have (wire frames) injured cattle and horses, and (fire, duh!) ignited standing crops. Farmers and the RSPB etc have gone right off them. Please don ‘t! Even at a relaxed event such as Cropredy Festival, they are now banned.

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