Linda Demelza Robinson

Charles 4 Comments
Posted by James Leedam

It was with great sadness that I heard that Linda Robinson died at the weekend. 

I received a telephone call from Diane Thomas, of Humber Woodland of Remembrance, to let me know that Linda had died. Diane didn’t know that we were in fact expecting Linda to arrive any minute with a sample of her fabulous Burial Cloud shroud for us to promote. Linda had made plans to join us at various country shows around the UK during the summer months. It was difficult to understand how such a force of life could be gone – we had only started to get to know Linda, but from the moment we met her we loved her and were inspired by her enthusiasm, openness and joyful spirit.

At the recent launch of the Burial Cloud at Diane’s workshops in Risbury, I met a group of people keen to show their support and full of affection for Linda (or Demelza, as I found out she also called herself). All touched by a colourful, extraoardinary and lovable person.

Linda put her heart and soul into the development of the Burial Cloud – a simple, natural, product; soft, gentle and warm. It is ethically produced using traditional crafts and is perfect for natural burial.

Linda leaves her partner Louis and son Ruben, to whom our hearts go out. Louis will be continuing to produce and market the Burial Cloud and I am sure that all those in the natural burial community will want to offer their support to him.

James Leedam is the founder and ceo of Native Woodland Ltd


  1. Charles

    This is such sad news, a light has gone out- she remains an inspiration of creative innovation. Burial Clouds are such a beautiful and fantastic invention that she leaves to the world.
    Waves of sympathy to Louis and Ruben and her wider family and friends.

  2. Charles

    A friend gave me brochures on Friday after his aunt had just been buried in the cloudshroud; I was very excited too about this new idea.
    After e-mailing Linda I was very shocked to hear back from her assistant that she had just died.
    I will support Louie (that was how the assistant spelled his name) as much as I can by recommending cloudshrouds for families.

  3. Charles

    I arrived home from Scotland only to read the sad news in the Hereford Journal. I knew Demelza, and my mother is buried in Humber Woodland. The planet is a richer place from Demelza’s presence on it, an inspirational, creative, beautiful free spirit.

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