New coffin 1 — the Curve

Charles 8 Comments

Behold the Curve coffin developed in Tenterden, Kent, by Andy Clarke. 

Andy says, “I always knew that there was room for a different type of coffin. I couldn’t understand why there was so little choice for what is, at the end of the day, an essential item in all of our lives.

“My desire was to make a softer curved product, that moved away from the angular harshness of the traditional shape that’s been with us for hundreds of years, and yet retain the traditional robustness of timber in its manufacture.”

Andy has a fledgling website up here

What do you think of it? 


  1. Charles

    Interesting…..but it doesn’t go anyway near some of the intricate carved wooden coffins that they make in Africa. I concur with Walt that it does just resemble a barrel a tad too much.

  2. Charles

    I happen to like it. Bread bin it may resemble, but those are lovely, homely, full of promise things.
    The clever and dedicated man is unlikely to get wealthy on it in my opinion, but I would certainly offer it to a family.
    Nice website.
    Rock ‘n roll name “The Curve”, too!

    1. Charles

      I agree. I love it. I have been putting my affairs in order “just in case”. It doesn’t feel comfortable but it’s necessary. I was thinking about the coffin cover, a temporary shell resembling a traditional coffin which you can slide a cheaper cardboard box inside. I love that idea. I then saw theach curved ones and love the look of it. So different! . I am going to make further enquiries.

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