Wind beneath our wings — but our art will go on

Charles No Comments

As of tomorrow, Tuesday, the good ship GFG is going to acquire a Marie Celeste ambience. Its bloggertariat, the opinionated and infuriating Charles, and his fellow scribbler, the judicious and even-handed Vale, are escaping for a few days.

There will be a deathly hush in the blog — maybe the occasional curt utterance, nothing more. 

As you may imagine, it takes a good deal of energy to keep things going day after day. What’s more, Vale and I seek no monopoly on opinionation. If you would like to have your say on this blog, please feel that it’s your space, too. We are always delighted to play host and hand the stage to others. Write down your thoughts and send them to us. If you wish to adopt a cyber-moniker, that’s fine. If you want to keep your personal views separate from your professional practice, that’s sensible. 

Normal service will be resumed DV.



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