Perfection Wasted

Charles 1 Comment

And another regrettable thing about death
is the ceasing of your own brand of magic,
which took a whole life to develop and market—
the quips, the witticisms, the slant
adjusted to a few, those loved ones nearest
the lip of the stage, their soft faces blanched
in the footlight glow, their laughter close to tears,
their tears confused with their diamond earrings,
their warm pooled breath in and out with your heartbeat,
their response to your performance twinned.
The jokes over the phone. The memories packed
in the rapid-access file. The whole act.
Who will do it again? That’s it: no one;
imitators and descendants aren’t the same.

John Updike


RIP Hitch. UR a legend. 


  1. Charles

    The world feels like a sadder place today, but I know that when I look at the sky tonight there will be bright star shining down on us. Thanks so much Christopher, for your elegance, grace and wisdom. You will be greatly missed.

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