Online amnesia

Charles 2 Comments
Charles is national obituary service, with funeral home listings, pre-planning information, a resource section for funeral information, as well as obituaries and memorial announcements. In other words it’s one of those online memorial websites. There are lots and lots of them. 

If you want to find the page on ObituariesToday which commemorates, shall we say, David Victor Regier, you go straight to it by clicking this link — here

Yes, whoops.

We can’t find out what’s happened to It looks as if it might have gone down with all decedents and everybody’s memories of them. It wouldn’t be the first online memorial site to have suffered this fate.

Caveat online memorialiser bigtime.

Here at the GFG we only endorse (and hugely admire)


  1. Charles

    ‘See, I told you this so-called technology was crap’; you can put that on my website memorial. Better do it now, in fact, before it’s too late.

    ‘Caveat online memorialiser bigtime’… were not these the dying words of the wise (and well remembered) Roman emperor, Nihil Virtualis Semper Scribere Papyrus?

  2. Charles

    i agree that some technology ‘isn’t very good’…but it’s normally the misguided or poorly implemented real-world strategy of the real-world people behind the technology that leads to its demise.

    and some technology is just great….need we go further than the GFG blog pages!

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