Gail Rubin’s 30 funerals in 30 days challenge 2011

Charles No Comments

Over in the United States the indefatigable and brilliant blogger Gail Rubin has already embarked on her 30 funerals in 30 day challenge. Yes, she is going to cover one  day for a month, and today is actually Day Six, so you’ve got some catching up to do. Don’t miss Day Five, when she visited a pet cemetery on, most appropriately, St Francis’ Day.

Gail attends the ordinary funerals of ordinary people, and that’s what makes this project so gripping and also, I think, important. All ordinary people are extraordinary; their funerals speak to everyone.

For us here in the UK it’s very interesting to gain this insight into the way they do things over there. Best of all, there are things we can learn.

If you missed last year’s 30 in 30 you can find it in Gail’s blog archive. 

Find The Family Plot blog here

Order a copy of Gail’s book here. It’s good. 

And here is some music from Gene R Spence’s funeral (Day 5) 

I am not gonna lay around and whine and mourn for somebody that done me wrong
Don’t think for a minute that I am gonna sit around and sing some old sad song
I believe it’s half full not a half empty glass
Every day I wake up knowing it could be my last

I ain’t here for a long time
I’m here for a good time
So bring on the sunshine, to hell with the red wine
Pour me some moon shine
When I’m gone put it in stone “He left nothing behind”
I ain’t here for a long time
I’m here for a good time

Folks are always dreaming about what they like to do but I like to do just what I like
I take the chance, dance the dance, it might be wrong but then again it might be right
There’s no way of knowing what tomorrow brings
Life’s too short to waste it I say bring on anything

I ain’t here for a long time
I’m here for a good time
So bring on the sunshine, to hell with the red wine
Pour me some moon shine
When I’m gone put it in stone “He left nothing behind”
I ain’t here for a long time
I’m here for a good time
I ain’t here for a long time
I’m here for a good time


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