News blossom

Charles No Comments

Here’s a wee roundup of the week’s stories in tweets. All good stuff.


Hannah Rumble and Douglas Davies on burial rites and natural burial. Podcasts –


Funeral Party (it’s a noisy band – not my thing, maybe your thing) –


The utter ignorance of funeral consumers almost matched here by a very stupid journo. Jumping gibberish! –


Another swimming pool to be heated by blazing corpses – as the nonsensemongers would have it :


We have a new hero and her name is Sharon Voice –


Illicit open-air cremation? An intriguing photo –


All the year round at Sun Rising nbg – one of my favourites –


Nice climate, great demographic. Meet the ex-pats’ undertaker, an opp that’s been begging for ages –


Extremes of scurrility here, clearly written by an industry insider, and the more interesting for that –


funeral_ideas Sentiment – Louise RT by GoodFunerals 17 year olds murdered body taken to football match


Red faces at the Co-op as it fesses up to leaking 83,000 customer details. Third party blamed –


Yet another cemetery stripped of grieving bling. Crass! –


Quality of life, value of life and when do I let my baby die? Thoughtful and rigorous piece here –


Co-op the first in the country to launch a ‘nationally recognised qualification’ – an NVQ. Gnn!?? What price a Dip FD?


Co-op employee, 11 yrs loyal service, sacked for drinking the wrong sort of tea –


Odd politics: the Damned Co-op wants to buy Bretby crem in the teeth of Lab opposition. Workers unite! –


Behind the scenes in a US funeral home – photo essay :


morbidanatomy Joanna RT by GoodFunerals

I love this so much: The Lennon Sisters singing Dry Bones, The Lawrence Welk Show, 1965


No gas at the crem so Zimbabwe man burns father on a pyre –


Nice account here of a West Indian funeral –


Skull earrings. V droll –


Should this woman have let her children visit their dying granddad?


Don’t eat and grieve – it ain’t dignified :


Ray Biddiss’ trike hearse in action –


China to regulate funeral industry and help poor families. Catch-up time for the UK?


Very good home funeral piece here. Reinvented in the UK and now deplorably moribund. Why? –


Police douse corpse in mid-cremation and bang up wife and son –


World’s weirdest funeral procession? The Burial of the Sardine. Fab! –


Beltane fires and funeral pyres. Confusing.


‘There is an argument that we should be more familiar with the topic of our ultimate demise.’ Nice one, Mariella –


davidschneider David Schneider RT by GoodFunerals

Some terrible, terrible part of me keeps wondering whether Eddie Stobart’s coffin will be green with his name down the side.


Its_Death Steve Death RT by GoodFunerals

How sad. The inventor of superglue has died *Sniff*


RT @TheFamilyPlot: Witness to a Native American funeral – a report on the graveside ritual for Tu Moonwalker


Smart new survey from Funeralcare. No news in it but news enough for lazy journos who do stories from press releases –


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