Exclusive! Dover undertaker achieves UK first.

Charles 6 Comments

I was going to blog today about the public meeting at Redditch town hall to debate the contentious matter of whether or not the crem should be used to heat a nearby swimming pool. I wanted to give you a blow-by-blow account. But in the event it was a non-event. There were perhaps thirty people there. We listened to cogent presentations. We heard how the council has received messages of support from all over the world and even been approved by 90 per cent of Daily Mail readers. A ‘Christian’ stood up to protest, but he wasn’t a representative Christian, he was an oddball. And that was that, really. The peaceable, pragmatic and eminently sensible citizenry of this lovely Worcestershire market town were unanimously in agreement. A most satisfactory anticlimax.

Instead, let me tell you about something else.

Paul Sullivan recently set up on his own in Dover. Always a brave thing to do, open for business with all the established undertakers glaring at you — or worse, chuckling. Business is notoriously slow to begin with (“Forty in the first year would be nice,” they all say) but Paul has bucked that by offering a low cost funeral, keeping his prices transparent and generally being an exceedingly nice fellow.

He has now achieved a UK first. Using his website you can price your funeral before you even go to see him. You can spend time doing it, think about the sums, change your mind and try again. You simply go down the list checking the items you want, and it adds it all up as you go — a bit like being in a taxi only more alarming.

I think it’s brilliant. And I can think of reasons why other funeral directors wouldn’t dream of having one of these on theirs (if they’ve got one)(a website, that is).

Have a play with it. Find it here.

What do you think?


  1. Charles

    Taking the mystery out of costs AND a breakdown of everything in plain English AND lots of alternatives to the ‘traditional’.
    I not only applaud, I give a standing ovation. Encore!

  2. Charles

    That’s amazing – well done Mr Sullivan! Being fairly new to this field I’d be naively tempted to say that it might have an impact on the funeral plan industry, but I suspect others on here will set me straight..

  3. Charles

    Fantastic idea Paul, and thanks for bringing this to our attention Charles. I have long dreamt of honesty in the field of pricing for funerals, and whilst being completely open with my own clients, I have struggled to find a way to convey this to those who choose to go elsewhere. Publishing a full price list online is a possibility, but confusing for the majority of consumers. I shall play with the idea, if you don’t mind me being the “UK second”?

  4. Charles

    A thank you to Paul for helping to arrange mums funeral although mum was 90 and been unwell for a while its still devastating to lose someone you love dearly . Paul made it some much easier organising everything he has lovely way with him and you feel comfortable with him .
    Cathy Bowman

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