Caw blimey

Charles No Comments

Here’s a roundup of my week’s tweets — and not a weak link in any of them.

Before you look through them, make sure you haven’t missed this week’s most important discussion. It was about shrines and it features two of this blog’s brightest and most questing minds, those of Rupert Callender and Kathryn. Find it in the comments here.

Right, here we go:

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

Someone with a ranterly grudge against Co-op Funeralcare Whois?

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

Nice home funeral story here:

DyingMatters Dying Matters

by GoodFunerals

Fascinating blog at the Telegraph: are hospice nurses more empathetic than general nurses:

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

‘When that time comes, when my last breath leaves me, I choose to die in peace to meet Shi’ dy’ in.’ Navajo ADRT. Cool

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

Very smart move here by Nottingham undertaker Lymn’s:

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

The Economist Intelligence Unit ranks UK best in world for end-of-life care, India the worst. Does this actually stand up??

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

Peter Sissons on the bespoke sombre suit all newsreaders had on stand-by in case a Royal death required announcement:

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

‘How to Die in Oregon’ — film about self-deliverance:

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

‘It is a Jewish tradition (though not exclusively Jewish) to not delegate the burial of a loved one to strangers’ –

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

Is physician assisted death a slippery slope to killing the vulnerable? Not in Oregon it seems:

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

In The Event Of My Death | Colin Brazier |… via @SkyNewsBlogs

suebrayne Sue Brayne

by GoodFunerals

Nelson Madella ‘not in danger’, says BBC Radio 4 news. For heavens sake, he’s 92 and getting ready to die.

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

Undertaker charged with ‘offering indignity to human remains’. Love the phrasing. He looks such a nice guy, too…

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

73 year old man who smothered wife cos she begged him released from gaol. 73, FFS!!! The pity, the sorrow.

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

Giant catfish gorged on human flesh from Indian funeral pyres. Terrifying.

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

Obit as love letter. Nice idea.

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

Amazing how often you find, in the midst of a muddle, the chimps at Co-op Funeralcare. Just a coincidence, of course.

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

“I will never again give somebody I love’s death away.” My kind of story bigtime.

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

Are funerals passe? I can’t see virtual attendance ever trumping being there:

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

“Pile it all in one place and keep an eye on it.” Delightful funeral + a delicious Will . You’ll love this:

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

What’s that I keep saying — if there’s an eff-up there’s a Co-op chimp in the midst? Am I right?

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

Only 4 per cent of Scots want to be buried in a kilt. Donald, where’s your troosers?

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

Two in one day. Wherever there’s a funeral scandal there’s probably a Co-op shit in the middle:

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

Rupert Callender on indoor shrines. Coruscatingly brilliant. It’s a comment here:

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

Really impressive just-published Code of Ethics from US Home Funeral Alliance. Come on, Britain!

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

Good learned stuff here from the excellent Digital Dying on death by fasting:

DeathRef Death Reference Desk

Butterfinger Zombie Graveyard!

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

@DeathRef Dat iz well silly innit. I found 4. Pathetic. There, I said it first. And I was laughed at by Zombies. Scarily good fun!

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

Ah ha, Co-op Funeralcare now has a Facebook page. I can Like them (have to hold my nose) then hate them up close. But why no Hate button?

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

Ooh look, Carl Marlow has launched his direct-to-public coffin website. Quel geezer! Love him!

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling

Great pics here, theme of loss, on @thelate blog:



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