Grave houses

Charles No Comments

A delightful post here from Tammi Thiele over at Escape to the Silent Cities. Tammi is a graveyard rabbit to her fingertips. She was married in a graveyard. Dressed in full Victorian mourning. On Hallowe’en.

I’d never heard or read of grave houses before I came across this. They seem to be native to the southern states of the USA and I can’t figure out if the settlers picked up the custom from the native buy tadalafil online cheap Americans.

Surprising to think, when you see them, that no other culture has evolved or invented them. Sure, in the UK we are rich in box tombs and table tombs – even mausolea. I guess those indigent folk who fancied a wee grave house were sternly told off by the vicar.

While you’re at Tammi’s blog, have a look at her post for 06/09/10.

Some more nice pics here

Another graveyard rabbit here.

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