The GFG Blog


Best in show 3

Jun 25
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I wonder what people who visit graves think their loved one looks like now—or whether they think about it at all. I was talking last week to Ken West, the man who gave us natural burial, and he opined that they think of them as uncorrupted. People shut their eyes
Categories:  coffins, shroud

It happens

Jun 23
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Beautifully written account of the death of an unloved one. Read it here.
Categories:  Uncategorised

Best in show 2

Jun 23
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No Corps of any Person or Persons shall be buried in any Shirt, Shift; Sheet or Shroud, or any thing whatsoever made or mingled with Flax, Hemp, Silk, Hair, Gold or Silver, or in any Stuff or Thing, other than what is made of Sheeps Wool only. Thus spoke the
Categories:  coffins

An angel whispers “Come in, mate.”

Jun 19
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For me, the music died the day Led Zeppelin released their first album. Pop got intellectual, up itself, the mope and dope bunch sagely mulling finer points of riffs and runs. It set friends against each other. Simon bought a bass guitar, I bought a ukulele and got heavily into
Categories:  something for the weekend

Ethical? Ha-ha!

Jun 17
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The story so far… Raggedexile 15 Jun 09, 7:05pm Here’s one about Funeralcare. Funeralcare has derecognised the GMB union, in the process securing its expulsion from the Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival and, I think, the Glastonbury Festival. It has been condemned by the TUC. This is a betrayal of the foundational
Categories:  Co-op, Co-operative Funeralcare

Ethical? Ha!

Jun 16
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Over at the Guardian’s ethical living blog they’ve put the Co-op under the spotlight.You ask, they answer from now til Friday. Well, of course, oh yes, I have been asking (under my moniker of raggedexile, adopted when I was living in joyous penury on the guano-spattered Isle of Portland). Have
Categories:  Co-op, Co-operative Funeralcare

Deserts of eternity

Jun 16
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It’s all up with EternalSpace. Even as we slept it went gentle into that good night, taking with it millions of $ of venture capital. After life’s fitful fever it sleeps well. Investors, it seems, screamed STOP when, just 30 days after its launch, they already saw it going nowhere.
Categories:  onlime memorial sites

Best in show 1

Jun 15
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I spent a joyous day on Friday at the National Funeral Exhibition, an expo dedicated wholly to the merchandise and service providers of death. How much fun can that be? A lot, let me tell you. A great occasion for dismal traders (any colour so long as it’s black or
Categories:  ashes, memorialisation

Everything is only for a day

Jun 11
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Immortality and eternity have meaning as concepts but they don’t translate into reality, not here on transient Earth. If you don’t believe that, go and visit a mature cemetery – or ask Ozymandias, poor, baffled chap. Time teaches us this lesson every fleeting minute, but we set our faces against
Categories:  cemeteries, Memorialising


Jun 08
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The BBC has got a poetry season running. They’ve been dusting off dead rhymers from ages past and pushing them out in front of the cameras. But they’ve left the memory of Geoffrey Chaucer undisturbed and unsung, for all that he was the first poet to be buried in Westminster
Categories:  funeral directors