Dying inside (2)

Charles No Comments

A few days ago I blogged about death and dying inside prison. If it’s the sort of thing that interests you at all, you’ll be interested in a post over at Jailhouselawyer’s blog.

In most British prisons there are old men in their late sixties and seventies, at least three-quarters of them very ill and years over tariff. They could never re-offend and the vast majority would not want to.

At least a third of Wakefield residents come under the category of the ‘body bag club’. They are well over tariff, very ill and disabled. Lots are in wheelchairs and it’s costing the government a small fortune to keep them in prison. A hell of a lot more than it costs to keep a normal healthy inmate.

It costs a little over £40,000 a year to keep someone in prison. It depends how you calculate it, of course. If you build in the capital cost that figure rises steeply.

John’s post also details the procedure when someone dies in prison.

Read it here.


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