The bureaucracy of bereavement

Charles 2 Comments

Good piece by the George Pitcher in the Daily Telegraph:

I’m afraid I slipped into a daydream in church on Easter morn yesterday. It started by wondering how different the story might have been if the Jerusalem of 2,000 years ago was like the London Borough of Bromley today.

The idea that Joseph of Arimathea could have got a quick verbal consent from the head of the local cheap cialis usa authority to take possession of Jesus’s body would be ridiculous; he’d never have got the paperwork organised in time. Mary Magdalen would have been so tied up with the bereavement services she’d never have got back to the tomb before dawn. And that’s before having to explain to the bureaucrats that the tomb turned out to be empty.

Read the rest of it here.


  1. Charles

    I read the whole article including the comments and have to say I am not at all surprised they were mostly all negative.

    Bad service news gets around a lot quicker than good service.

    Is it no wonder funeral directors and bereavement services are shown in such a black view, we never seem to hear the good side of all the funerals the are conducted with the precision of a plan down the second, or the funeral arranger that went the extra mile to ensure the family were treated with the respect and dignity they deserve. Many a funeral director/arranger will meet the family out of “normal” hours so they can pay their respect in the Chapel of Rest , or accompany them to the registrars office so they don’t have to face it alone. Funeral arrangers that deal with the Coroner on a daily basis to save the family distress and upset.

    Isn’t it time someone wrote an article on the real side of the funeral business. The caring people, unflinching when you are being sworn at by a family because they are fighting amongst themselves. Or stood between family members to stop them punching each other, those that will patiently go through the arrangements and discussions with a family to ensure everything is right.

    Sorry to get annoyed about this, but again I get asked how can I do my job … A short answer to that is simply “I care”

  2. Charles

    Very good to hear from you, AA. Thank you for taking the trouble to write.

    I guess it's always been the case that bad news sells better than good news. Bad news is what people want to hear.

    This blog takes in all sides, all points of view. But I hope you will agree that the Good Funeral Guide is doing its bit to tell the stories of the brightest and best in the business! I can understand you feeling neglected and underappreciated. But you can be sure that to all those you have served you will forever remain a person of some importance – and the object of lasting gratitude. I very much hope that you feel that fully.

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