The GFG Blog


Thoughts from an unaffiliated funeral director (i)

Fran Hall
Aug 31
1 comment
  After yesterday’s deadline for unaffiliated funeral directors to make contact with the FSCSR came and went, we thought we would share some of the thoughts from some of the people who managed to scrabble together a response to the request within the time frame offered. Given that all responses
Categories:  FSCSR, The future of funerals, uber undertakers

I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date

Fran Hall
Aug 30
Eight days ago (three of which were over a bank holiday weekend), funeral directors who don’t belong to either of the funeral trade associations were invited to get in touch with the Funeral Service Consumer Standards Review – the self appointed body founded by Dignity PLC that is looking at
Categories:  FSCSR, independent funeral directors

The CMA is looking at informal arrangements

Fran Hall
Aug 27
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Last week, some of Team GFG hosted an extremely interesting meeting in central London, details of which will be shared in due course. Among our guests were a number of representatives from the Competition and Markets Authority, the body currently carrying out the market investigation into the funeral sector.  They
Categories:  CMA Market Investigation

Consistent and transparent

Fran Hall
Aug 14
1 comment
Did you see this article in Monday’s Times? ‘Restaurant style ratings to combat funeral rip-offs’, the headline screams. It’s behind a paywall, but we can precis it for you. Here’s a direct quote: “Funeral directors are to be given restaurant-style ratings as the industry battles accusations of over-charging and inconsistent standards. Classifications based on clarity of prices, conduct of funerals, vehicles and staff training, and mortuary and refrigeration facilities will be issued to thousands of funeral parlours based on inspections of their premises. Those given
Categories:  FSCSR

Hospice Funerals – an update

Fran Hall
Aug 08
  Back in November 2017, a bright new star rose in the world of funerals. St. Margaret’s Hospice in Somerset joined forces in partnership with Howard Hodgson’s Low Cost Funerals to form Hospice Funerals LLP in what they described at the time as ‘one of the biggest developments in the
Categories:  Hospice Funerals


Called to account

Fran Hall
Jul 29
  In a blistering attack on the funeral industry in America this week, Michael Waters wrote in Washington Monthly: ‘The cost of death services has long exasperated Americans. In December 1856, a New York Times editorial argued that “nobody that is not comfortably off in this world’s goods can afford to die” because “to pass into the
Categories:  Co-op, Dignity, Funeral markets study, Funeral Partners


The campaign is underway

Fran Hall
Jun 26
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This has popped up on social media by the main funeral directing trade association, the NAFD. (That’s the one that the big, powerful corporates all belong to, not the other one that represents independent funeral directors, for anyone unfamiliar with the world of funerals). Well, well, well. It was only
Categories:  Dignity, Funerals

Be Better

Fran Hall
Jun 16
1 comment
The Good Funeral Guide is delighted to announce a day out with a difference. On Saturday September 21st, we will be hosting ‘Be Better’, a sparkling day featuring a whole stage full of inspirational speakers who are changing the world of funerals.  And we have found the perfect venue, the
Categories:  Progressive funeral directors, The future of funerals, uber undertakers

Unlikely bedfellows

Fran Hall
Jun 09
  The GFG and the Natural Death Centre charity have long enjoyed an unofficial mutual admiration – nothing ever written down, but a kindred fellowship of ideas and ideals. Founded in 1991 by the late Nicholas Albery and his wife Josefine Speyer, the charity was set up with three aims
Categories:  Dignity, Natural Death Centre


Five Things

Fran Hall
Apr 17
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Our friends over at Life. Death. Whatever have created an extraordinary movement that is inspiring people around the world who follow them on social media. Five Things is a collection of five things that LDW collaborators want people to know about life, death and everything in between. Since the launch earlier this month,
Categories:  Attitudes to death, death and funerals, funeral reformers, The future of funerals