The GFG Blog


Fast track to eternity

Apr 30
Clever guy, that Shakespeare. He foresaw the viral capability of the internet long before the invention of the penny post. Here’s Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream: “I’ll put a girdle around the Earth in 40 minutes!” Which is as long as it took young gunshot victim David Morales Colón
Categories:  Embalming

Blessed are the wicked

Apr 29
We all acknowledge the link between sex and death – but what is it that links crime with death? A really good gangster funeral is a sight to see. These guys do not go incognito into that good night. Having shunned any sort of limelight all their lives, this is
Categories:  Gangster funerals

Tidying up our dead

Apr 29
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Very nice piece in the Washington Post by Tracy Grant: Closets are odd creatures … In starter homes, newlywed husbands tease their brides that all their clothes will never fit in that closet. When the homebuyers are upscale, the closets can boast more square footage than some Manhattan apartments. But
Categories:  Uncategorised


Apr 28
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Thanks to the supernatural genius of Ian ‘Harry’ Harris (no, he’s not a gangster, he’s a web wizard) at Carron Media, this blog has, by dint of main force, gentle coaxing and the application of recondite algorithms, been migrated from Blogger, which is pulling the plug on it, to WordPress,
Categories:  Uncategorised

Minute of mayhem for Malcolm McLaren

Apr 23
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Did the idea catch fire? Dunno. The Guardian wants to know what was your minute of mayhem. Track the responses here.
Categories:  Attitudes to death

Burying Jed Kesey

Apr 23
Here’s an extract from an account of the funeral of Ken Kesey: It was the least maudlin memorial service and funeral I’ve ever been to—his family and community loved him and shared his disinterest in sentimentality. At the burial at his farm his corpse was right there in front of
Categories:  DIY funeral, home funerals

Life Ain’t Always Beautiful

Apr 22
Here’s an unusually well-written blog: THE MY WIFE HAS CANCER BLOG. Had. She died on 29 March, and its author will shortly be wrapping it up. It’s a very good, if sometimes difficult, read. And there’s an interesting post on funeral costs. We’d find it hard to do anything like
Categories:  funeral cost

Quickie Wednesday

Apr 21
Interesting piece from Canada on home funerals in which a ‘death midwife’ (gotta find a better term than that!) acknowledges that funeral directors can, in the right circumstances, do the job as well as her. She’s right, of course. Good funeral directors are not the enemy. Read it From Pam
Categories:  DIY funeral, home funerals

Cash for corpses

Apr 20
You can tell how developed a society is by the price it puts on life. Could, rather. In the most developed societies there’s a re-evaluation going on. The Office of National Statistics calculates that death is now preceded by the unendurable prospect of an average 10 years’ chronic illness or
Categories:  Assisted suicide, euthanasia

What about the workers?

Apr 20
Here’s a nice biz opp for someone in the UK: a jobs review site. Wossat? It’s a site where people leave anonymous reviews about the company they work for. Very useful for people thinking about working for that company. Over in the US they have a few of these sites.
Categories:  Uncategorised