Remember Me

Charles No Comments


We can’t embed this — YouTube won’t let us. So simply click the link and it’ll take you to a beautiful place:


Thank you to Lynne Watson for recommending this. 



Remember me whenever
you’re blue
Remember me when there’s
no one holding you
Any time you feel like you
can’t make it through
Remember me and I will be
with you

Remember me whenever
you’re afraid
And when you lose your
dreams along the way
Any time you feel like you
can’t make it through
Remember me and I will be
with you

Every night and every day I’ll
be by your side
Just reach out and take my
hand and I will be your guide
And any time you feel like you
can’t make it through
Remember me and I will be
with you

Remember me whenever
you’re afraid
Remember me if there’s
someone in my place
Any time you feel like you
can’t make it through
Remember me and I will be
with you. 

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